Supporting Our Communities
We’re in business to improve lives. RoadEx focuses on empowering truckers to turn challenges into opportunities and to constantly push boundaries to make business and the world better. We’re Roadies. We’re truckers just like you, and we know all too well the call of the road. This fact is the driving force behind RoadEx.
We exist to support truckers build more sustainable businesses in the ways they need it most. It is our mission to give power back to truckers! As our platform continues to grow, it’s our responsibility to give back to trucking communities. We are family.
One of the great rewards of having our own operation is being able to give back generously to the charitable causes and community organizations that matter to us. We share our success by giving back. As we grow, our giving and community outreach efforts continue to extend right alongside us.
We champion radical transparency and social impact in all we do. And this is why we are proud to partner with Truckers Final Mile and Forgotten Harvest. It’s our belief that sustainable work is both locally-led and transformative. We don’t waver about giving back whether times are good or bad. After all, the whole point of businesses is to improve the state of the world and impact people’s lives.
Truckers Final Mile
Trucking isn’t an easy industry. Not for the truckers, at least. The people who drive big rigs experience their fair share of difficulties on the road. They are often alone for extended periods, and the road can be a dangerous place. was built and designed to help truckers reunite with their immediate families in the event of loss of life, debilitating injury or severe illness.
Deciding to partner with Truckers Final Mile was a no-brainer for us. We fully support their mission to “rally North American Truck Drivers plus bring families together in times of difficulties.” No truckers left behind! That’s our guiding philosophy. It’s a privilege and an honor to work with the highest professionally rated charity organization serving the trucking industry.